Creamy Garlic Scape Dip


  • 10 garlic scapes

  • 1/4 cup almonds

  • 2 tbs. sunflower seeds

  • 2 tbs. olive oil

  • 1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese

  • salt and pepper

  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt

  • sour cream and/or mayonnaise


  1. Wash the garlic scapes and cut off the ends so you are left with just the tender fragrant spiraly part. Chop them into small pieces.

  2. Add everything to the food processor except Greek yogurt and sour cream/mayonnaise. Pulse until you have a pesto-like consistency.

  3. Put the “pesto” into a small bowl and add the Greek yogurt. Take half of the pesto yogurt mixture and put it back in the food processor. Puree until almost smooth. Add back in to the small bowl.

  4. Finally, mix in 3 tablespoons sour cream and mayonnaise.